
Two Days Specialized Online Training Workshop on


November 06 – 07, 2024

Two Days Specialized Online Training Workshop on


November 06 – 07, 2024

Event Summary

About AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking & Economics

AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is a pioneer organization started its efforts to promote Islamic Banking and Finance Since 2005. In these working years, AlHuda CIBE is acknowledged all around the world due to its excellent services and its team of dedicated professionals who are equipped to continue thriving.
AlHuda CIBE has primarily been committed to provide quality services. Based on this principal, the recognition of AlHuda CIBE is increasing by leaps & bounds. It has built up a range of excellent services in the promotion of Islamic Banking and Finance into the masses such as Advisory & Consultancy, Research & Development, Education & Capacity Building, Shariah Advisory and Publications & Events.
AlHuda CIBE is increasing its outreach globally also making a close interaction with Global market which enables to gather market information efficiently and activate service operations whenever and wherever it needed.

AlHuda CIBE is supported by many national and international organizations and institutions as Strategic Partners support and our Alumni have spread over 80 countries. We are proud to stand among world's largest presences for capacity building, trainings, consultancy and other services. More details are available at www.alhudacibe.com

About Islamic Banking & Finance

Islamic Banking and Finance has been a hope for the purified financial system around the globe and is being considered as the best option to address the damages of interest-based system in financial industry. The growth indicators for Shariah based Islamic Finance ensure its strength and global acceptance. Importantly the recent global finance crises have proved the rationality behind Islamic Banking and Finance when no substantial damage to the Islamic Banking and Finance industry was evidenced in consequences of such global finance crises. Beside the appreciable growth indicators in Islamic Banking and Finance the lack of human capital and skilled personnel have been the critical areas which require immediate attention.

Training Contents

Two Days Specialized Online Training Workshop on Basics & Operational Aspects of Islamic Banking and Finance

Training Contents

  • Introduction of Islamic economics and finance system
  • Basic prohibitions in business relations
  • Contracts in Islamic finance: basic concepts
  • How Islamic banking is different from traditional (conventional) banking
  • Main products in Islamic finance:
  • Potential and challenges for the development of Islamic banking in France
Contact Info
contact us
AlHuda CIBE FZ LLE - U.A.E (Advisory, Consulting & Capacity Building)
P.O. Box 120867, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.