About AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking & Economics
Towards the pursuance of our goal to promote Islamic Banking and Finance all over the globe, AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is working diligently since 2005. AlHuda CIBE has been acknowledged as a distinguished service provider due to our notable services, team of dedicated professionals and one stop solutions of Islamic Banking and Finance. Our aim is to provide state-of-the-art services of Islamic banking and finance. We are proud to be prominent for our Advisory and consultancy, research and development, education and capacity building, Shariah advisory, publication and events all over the world.
AlHuda CIBE is supported by many national and international organizations and institutions as Strategic Partners support and our Alumni have spread over 100 countries. We are proud to stand among world's largest presences for capacity building, trainings, consultancy and other services. More details are available at www.alhudacibe.com
Takaful consultancy wing of AlHuda CIBE offers expert services of Consultancy, Advisory, Training, Capacity Building, Research and Shari’ah compliant product development for the Insurance Industry to ensure ready availability of Takaful (Islamic Insurance) products and services with prudent practices around the Globe.
About Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI)
AAOIFI, established in 1991 and based in Bahrain, is the leading international not-for-profit organization primarily responsible for development and issuance of standards for the global Islamic finance industry. It has issued a total of 100 standards in the areas of Shariah, accounting, auditing, ethics and governance for international Islamic finance. It is supported by a number of institutional members, including central banks and regulatory authorities, financial institutions, accounting and auditing firms, and legal firms, from over 45 countries. Its standards are currently followed by all the leading Islamic financial institutions across the world and have introduced a progressive degree of harmonisation of international Islamic finance practices.
Training Contents
Two days specialized training on Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
April 02 - 03, 2024 Online
Training Contents:
Introduction to the Concept of Takaful
Shariah Perspectives of Takaful
Historical Development in Takaful Industry and Present Market Penetration
Comparison between Takaful and Insurance
Concept of Tabaruu and Mutual Risk Sharing in Takaful
Takaful Operational Aspects for Business
Family & General Takaful Business Operations
Takaful Business Models
Concept of Takaful Underwriting
Mechanism for Claims payments
Distribution of Surplus
Takaful Regulations and AAOIFI Standard
Micro Takaful Concept and Need
Micro Takaful Models
Banca Takaful
Operational Framework for Banca Takaful
Who should attend this Training?
Heads, Managing Directors and CEOs of Takaful and Insurance Companies
Takaful Commissions, Regulatory Authorities and Commission
Islamic retail, Corporate, SME and Treasury Bankers
Unit Trust Agents and Insurance/Takaful Agents
Brokers of bonds and Sukuk
Fund Managers and Selectors
Government Officials and Representatives
Financial Consultants and Advisors
Economists and Policy Makers
Stock Brokers and Shareholders
Philanthropist and Investors
Shari’ah Scholars and Experts
Academia and Researchers
To provide the thorough knowledge and benefits of Takaful industry in order to prepare adequate manpower
To analyze the problems hindering rapid development of Takaful that would help increasing financial inclusion
Provide the opportunities for collaborations/partnerships with Takaful industry, Islamic retail, Corporate, SME and Treasury Bankers, Business Development Managers and Heads of Research and Development.
Contact Info
contact us
AlHuda CIBE FZ LLE - U.A.E (Advisory,
Consulting & Capacity Building)
P.O. Box 120867, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.